Your pre-surgery checklist
- Bring your insurance card(s) and photo ID.
- Bring your surgical folder with all paperwork with you the day of surgery.
- Bring money or credit card to cover your co-payment/deductible.
- Southern Regional’s Financial Counselors can be reached at 770-991-8600.
- Do NOT have anything to eat or drink from midnight before the day of your procedure, unless otherwise instructed.
- Make arrangements to have an adult drive you home.
- Shower or bathe the morning of surgery (note: use antibacterial soap if necessitated and ordered by your surgeon).
- Please do not use skin lotions, oil, or creams, and remove all make-up.
- Please remove nail polish.
- Arrive at the time you have been instructed to be at the hospital.
- Bring all paperwork from your doctor’s office.
- Leave all valuables at home (jewelry, excess money, etc.).
- Bring any walker or wheelchair you need on the day of surgery.
For children under 18
- If you are not the biological parent, bring legal documentation to show your guardianship.
- You must remain at the hospital with your child until they are discharged.
- For small children, bring their bottle, sippy cup, or pacifier, and a favorite toy, blanket or stuffed animal.
Day of surgery
Our Outpatient Surgery Registration is in Outpatient Registration in the front of the hospital. Enter the hospital through the middle doors in the front of the hospital to register. This will be confirmed during your call with our scheduler the day before your surgery.
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Center for Bariatrics and Healthy Weight

Emergency Services

Surgical Services

The Women’s Health Center

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