Testing List
- Carboxyhemoglobin
- Methemoglobin
- Oxyhemoglobin
- PCO2
- pH, body fluid
- pH, venous/arterial
- PO2
- Albumin, body fluid
- Albumin, serum/plasma
- Alkaline phosphatase, serum/plasma
- ALT, serum/plasma
- Ammonia
- Amylase, body fluid
- Amylase, urine
- AST, serum/plasma
- Bilirubin, direct, serum/plasma
- Bilirubin, total, neonatal, serum/plasma
Chemistry/Spec Chem/ Tox Test/Activity
- Bilirubin, total, serum/plasma
- Calcium, serum/plasma
- Chloride, serum/plasma
- Chloride, urine
- Cholesterol, body fluid
- Cholesterol, serum/plasma
- CK-MB, serum/plasma
- CO2, serum/plasma
- Creatine kinase (CK), serum/plasma
- Creatinine, serum/plasma
- Creatinine, urine, quantitative
- Fetal fibronectin
- Glucose, body fluid
- Glucose, CSF
- Glucose, serum/plasma
- hCG, quantitative, serum
- HDL cholesterol, serum/plasma
- Iron, serum
- Lactate, plasma
- LD, body fluid
- LD, serum
- LDL cholesterol, serum/plasma, measured
- Lipase, serum
- Magnesium, serum/plasma
- Microalbumin (urine albumin), quantitative
- Osmolality, urine
- Phosphorus, serum/plasma
- Potassium, serum/plasma
- Potassium, urine
- Protein, body fluid
- Protein, total, CSF
- Protein, total, quantitative, urine
- Protein, total, serum
- Sodium, serum/plasma
- Sodium, urine
- Triglycerides, body fluid
- Triglycerides, serum/plasma
- Urea, serum/plasma
- Urea, urine
- Uric acid, serum
- Acetaminophen
- C-reactive protein, qual and/or quant
- Carbamazepine
- Digoxin
- Ferritin, serum/plasma
- Folate, serum
- Gentamicin, serum
- HAV antibody, IgM
- HBc antibody, IgM
- HBsAg, non-rapid immunoassay method
- HCV antibody, non-rapid immunoassay method
- Hemoglobin A1C, non-waived
- HIV-1/2 antibody rapid test, non-waived
- Lithium, serum/plasma
- NT-proBNP
- Parathyroid hormone (PTH), serum
- Phenobarbital
- Phenytoin
- Prealbumin
- Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
- Rheumatoid factor, IgG, qual and/or quant
- Rubella antibody, qual and/or quant
- Salicylate
- T4, free
- Theophylline
- Transferrin
- Troponin T
- TSH, serum
- Valproic acid
- Vancomycin, serum
- Vitamin B12
- Alcohol/volatiles, serum
- Urine toxicology, qual, automated immunoassay
- FNA processed in Cytology
- Specimen staining, cytology
- Pathologist interpretation, FNA
- Pathologist interpretation, non-gyn cytology
- HIV-1 antibody rapid test, non-waived
- Infectious mononucleosis, non-waived
- Hematology
- Body fluid cell count, manual
- Crystal identification or pres/abs, body fluid
- Eosinophils, urine
- D-dimer, qual/semi-quant, plasma
- Fibrinogen
- Heparin anti-Xa
- PT, plasma
- PTT, plasma
- Thrombin time
- Eosinophil count
- Eosinophils, nasal smear
- ESR, automated, non-waived
- Hematocrit, non-waived
- Hemoglobin, non-waived
- Platelet count, automated
- RBC count
- RBC indices (e.g. MCV, RDW)
- Reticulocyte count, automated
- Reticulocyte count, manual
- Sickling test, hemoglobin solubility
- WBC count, automated
- WBC differential, automated
- WBC differential, manual
- hCG, qualitative, serum
- hCG, urine, waived
- Ketone, serum
- Reducing substances, urine
- Urinalysis dipstick, automated, non-waived
- Urinalysis dipstick, automated, waived
- Urinalysis microscopic, automated (inc.crystal ID)
- Urinalysis microscopic, manual (inc. crystal ID)
- Antimicrobial susceptibility, aerobes
- Antimicrobial susceptibility, urine
- Bacterial identification, complete/partial, other
- Bacterial identification/isolation, anaerobic
- Bacterial identification/presumptive ID gonococcus
- Bacterial identification/presumptive ID, throat
- Bacterial identification/presumptive ID, urine
- Blood cultures
- Fecal leukocytes, giemsa stain
- Gram stain, gonococcus
- Gram stain, other
- Occult blood, fecal, waived
- Occult blood, gastric, waived
- pH, gastric, waived
- Strep A rapid antigen, waived
- Urine colony count
- Cryptococcal antigen
- Cryptosporidium antigen, preserved specimen
- Giardia antigen, preserved specimen
- Parasite screening/identification, blood
- Influenza antigen, non-DFA method, waived
- RSV antigen, non-DFA method, waived
- Hemoglobin, total, non-waived, POCT
- Oximetry, POCT
- PCO2, whole blood, POCT
- pH, whole blood, POCT
- PO2, whole blood, POCT
- Occult blood, fecal, waived, provider performed
- Chloride, whole blood, waived, POCT
- Glucose, whole blood, waived (glucose meter),
- hCG, urine, waived, POCT
- Hematocrit, waived, POCT
- Hemoglobin, waived, POCT
- Potassium, whole blood, waived, POCT
- Sodium, whole blood, waived, POCT
- Urea, whole blood, waived, POCT
- ABO blood grouping
- Antibody elutions
- Antibody identification
- Antibody screen
- Antibody screen, non-transfusion
- Compatibility testing
- Direct antiglobulin test (DAT), non-automated
- Donor unit retyping
- Fetal-maternal bleed screen (rosette)
- Gel techniques
- Kleihauer-Betke stain (fetal cell quantitation)
- RBC antigen typing
- Rh type (includes weak D)
- RhIG Candidate Assessment
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