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Home 9 Patients & Visitors 9 Medical Records

Medical Records

The Health Information Management Office which maintains medical records, is located on the ground floor of the hospital. All Medical Record requests are to be dropped off at the Outpatient Registration desk Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Medical Records Office Information

  • Hours – Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • Phone: 770-991-8175 Option # 1.
  • Requests are made in our Health Information Management Department (Ground Floor)

Requesting Medical Records

  • A written authorization signed by the patient must be received before medical record copies can be released.
  • All requests must be in writing. For the Medical Records Form, click HERE
    • All completed forms must be accompanied with valid ID (whether in-person or FAXed).
    • Note: Telephone and e-mail requests are not accepted.
  • There may be a fee charge for medical record copies.
  • A valid ID is required to pick up medical record copies.
  • OR – Your medical records are accessible from My Patient Portal. For information on how to log into the portal, click here.

Requesting Medical Records for Your Physician

  • Records may be sent directly to your physician at no cost for continued care. Please provide your physician’s name, address, telephone number, and fax number.
  • Your physician’s office may call or send a written request to our office for us to forward your medical information to their office.
  • Radiology films must be requested from the Radiology Department on the first floor.

Birth Certificate Information

A registration of a live birth is made for all babies born at Southern Regional Medical Center. Our Vital Records staff types the birth certificate, which is then downloaded to the State Vital Records office in Atlanta, Ga. A Confirmation of Birth letter will be mailed to parents after the birth certificate is prepared. Copies of the birth certificates may be obtained from the local State Vital Records office.

Southern Regional’s Vital Records office is located on the ground floor.

Vital Records Office Hours:

  • Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
  • Sunday and Monday: Closed

Vital Office Contacts:

  • 770-991-8231

Procedure for Parent(s):

  • After delivery, complete the birth certificate worksheet in your Discharge Booklet and return to your Nurse or the Birth Registrar prior to your discharge.
  • If you have not received the worksheet prior to discharge, please contact your Nurse or Birth Registrar.

Unmarried Parents:

  • To add father’s last name and information on the birth certificate, a Paternity Acknowledgement must be completed prior to the mother leaving the hospital.
  • Call the Birth Registrar at 770-991-8231.

Paternity Required Documents:

  • Valid photo ID (both parents)